Lor scoota lyrics
Lor scoota lyrics

Bossman's 2004 Baltimore Anthem "Oh!" landed him a deal with Virgin Records, but nothing seemed to come out of it.


But although he was featured on their video game, Def Jam: Fight For NY, and had a single, “Do Sumptin,” on the soundtrack for the DMX movie Cradle 2 The Grave, Comp never released an album on the label. In the early-to-mid-2000s, Def Jam signed teenage rapper Comp. At that same time, East Baltimore’s Tim Trees was a hometown rap hero with his hit “Bank Rolls,” which resonated due to his of-the-people image and his choice to use legendary Baltimore Club producer Rod Lee as his main contributor. Ironically, this exposure never made B Rich much of a figure locally his track was a surprise not only to people outside of the city but to those in it as well. It’s not as though Baltimore rap has come out of nowhere, though: Back in 2002, B Rich’s hit “Whoa Now” landed him a deal with Atlantic, a regular countdown slot on 106 & Park, and a spot on the soundtrack for NBA Live 2003. More on VICE: In Baltimore, the Whole Damn System Is Guilty as Hell

lor scoota lyrics

Not only did the city’s political momentum shift, this renewed energy also has many people believing that a light will finally shine on Baltimore in this time of needed healing. Those protests turned into something larger, bringing attention to the routine injustices that the city’s youth face and demonstrating a choice to no longer wait on empty promises of help to come true. That feeling of being ignored was undoubtedly one of the leading forces behind Baltimore’s uprising back in April, when the city made international news as it protested the police killing of Freddie Gray.

lor scoota lyrics

Coming from a not-so-major city, it’s easy to carry the burden of thinking where you come from has some sort of unique curse and that no one makes it. Given the city’s place outside of major media and culture hubs, Baltimore is used to feeling neglected.

Lor scoota lyrics